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Writer's pictureRalph Goodwin

Childhood Deprivation & POTUS

Published By : Goodwin-RC : CEO +1News Central

MAR 3RD, 2024

Donald Johnson Trump (Born 1946) Presented His Family With An Unrelenting, Abusive Personality; Which Eventually Required His Parents To Relinquish Him (At Age 12-17) To The Structure And Discipline Of The New York Military Academy. Fred Trump, As Father, Pacified That Discipline Environment By Reportedly Regularly Bringing Young Ladies To Visit Him On Campus In His Later Teenage Years.

To Understand The Decision-Making Of Donald J Trump In Ascending To The POTUS Responsibilities; It Is Wise To Begin To Comprehend The Impact Upon The Child When Being Deprived Of Requisite Mothering By Mary Trump Due To Her Extended And Extreme Illness Following The Surgeries And Convalescence After The Birth Of Donald's Immediately Younger Brother, Robert:

Backgrounder "When Donald J. Trump was just two-and-a-half years old, his life took a challenging turn due to his mother’s serious illness. At that critical point in his development, his mother, Mary Trump, was essentially absent, leaving young Donald in a semi-abandoned state1. During this period, did he have a nanny to care for him? The historical record doesn’t specifically mention a nanny, but it’s likely that other family members or caregivers stepped in to provide support during his mother’s illness.

However, it’s essential to recognize that Donald Trump’s upbringing was significantly influenced by his father, Fred Trump. Fred imparted a stern and demanding approach to life, emphasizing that there were only two kinds of people: winners (or “killers”) and losers. This lesson shaped Donald’s determination to become a “killer” and succeed in life. At the age of 13, Fred sent Donald to military school, where the lessons in dominance and competition reached another level. Military school became a five-year lesson in bullying, where Donald ruled dormitory life with an iron fist, yelling at classmates and pushing them around1.

In this environment, Donald Trump thrived, absorbing the competitive spirit and leadership style that would later define his public persona. His relationship with his mother, Mary, was formative in a different way. Her illness and subsequent absence during his critical developmental phase left a lasting impact on him. While we don’t have specific details about a nanny, it’s clear that Donald’s upbringing was shaped by a combination of family dynamics, military school experiences, and his father’s relentless pursuit of success12.

As we reflect on the early years of the future president, we see how these formative experiences contributed to the complex personality that would later dominate the political landscape."

As A Reference Point In This Matter Of Repatterning Of Deficit Character Development; There Is The Case Study Of Psychiatrist Dr Robert Stewart.

It Is A Risky And Unfair Adventure To Presume To Analyze A Personality Outside Of A Clinical Environment.

And, With This Caution We Examine The Outstanding Characteristics Of The "Dry Alcoholic" - One Who Determinably Avoids Alcohol & / Or "Recreational Substance Abuse" : Example : "A “dry alcoholic” refers to someone who is in recovery from alcohol addiction but still exhibits or engages in behaviors consistent with alcohol abuse. It’s essential to recognize that participating in recovery involves more than merely abstaining from alcohol. People experiencing “dry drunk” issues may require ongoing treatment options and support.

Here are some common signs associated with dry alcoholic syndrome:

  1. Replacing Addiction with a New One: Individuals may replace their alcohol addiction with other compulsive behaviors, such as excessive internet use, pornography consumption, overeating, or engaging in risky sexual behavior.

  2. Terminal Uniqueness: This refers to a self-absorbed attitude where the person believes their experience is entirely unique and incomparable to others. It can hinder effective communication and connection with others.

  3. Negativity or Frustration: Some dry alcoholics feel frustrated or negative about not being able to drink. They may harbor jealousy toward those who do not struggle with addiction.

  4. Mood Swings: Dry alcoholics may experience mood swings ranging from depression to extreme happiness.

  5. Fear of Inability to Change: There might be an underlying fear that they cannot maintain their sobriety or change their behavior effectively.

It’s crucial for individuals experiencing these symptoms to seek professional help and explore the reasons that led them into addiction in the first place. Remember that recovery is a journey, and ongoing support is essential for sustained well-being123"

"The US prison psychiatrist who introduced a successful voluntary “Rebirthing Therapy” to reduce recidivism is Dr. Robert Stewart1. His innovative approach aimed to address mental health issues among inmates and prevent them from returning to criminal behavior. Let’s delve into the details of this therapy:

  1. Rebirthing Therapy:

  1. Success and Impact:

  1. Holistic Rehabilitation:

What Are The Evident Risks To Oneself And Others When One Suffers From Apparent Sociopathic Personality Disorder? :"Amoral socio-pathic personality disorders, commonly referred to as antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), present a complex set of traits and behaviors. While not every individual with ASPD is inherently dangerous, there are certain red flags to consider when placing such a person in an environment of continuous stress and conflict:

  1. Lack of Remorse and Empathy: People with ASPD often exhibit a persistent disregard for the rights and feelings of others. Their inability to feel remorse or empathy can lead to harmful actions without any emotional restraint1.

  2. Manipulative Behavior: Sociopaths are skilled at manipulating others to achieve their goals. They may exploit vulnerabilities, deceive, and use charm to gain trust. In a stressful environment, this manipulation can escalate into harmful actions1.

  3. Impulsivity and Irritability: Individuals with ASPD tend to be impulsive and have difficulty controlling their anger. In a high-stress situation, impulsive decisions can lead to dangerous outcomes1.

  4. History of Childhood Trauma or Abuse: Childhood trauma or abuse is linked to the development of ASPD. If a person has a history of psychological abuse, it may increase the risk of dangerous behavior later in life1.

  5. Genetic and Environmental Factors: A combination of inherent and environmental factors contributes to sociopathy. Genetic predisposition and adverse childhood experiences play a role in shaping these behaviors1.

  6. Psychological Abuse as an Adult: Those living with ASPD may perpetrate emotional abuse as adults. This includes constant criticism, threats, and withholding affection. In a conflict-ridden environment, emotional abuse can escalate1.

  7. Spectrum of ASPD: It’s essential to recognize that ASPD exists on a spectrum, and not everyone with these traits is inherently dangerous. Some individuals can channel these tendencies into positive endeavors rather than harmful actions1.

  8. Additionally, while ASPD is associated with a higher potential for dangerous behaviors, it’s crucial to assess each case individually. Placing someone with ASPD in a stressful environment requires careful consideration, monitoring, and appropriate support systems to mitigate potential risks12."

Mature Adult Humans Will Generally Progressively Experience Migrating Through Eight Character Development Stages In Late Adulthood : "Character development is a fascinating journey that shapes who we are. Let’s explore the progressive stages that contribute to a relatively balanced personality:

  1. Trust vs. Mistrust (Infancy):

  1. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (Toddler Years):

  1. Initiative vs. Guilt (Preschool Years):

  • Preschoolers (three to five years) develop a sense of purpose and initiative.

  • Encouragement to explore, take risks, and set goals fosters a healthy sense of initiative. Overcontrol may result in guilt1.

  1. Industry vs. Inferiority (Middle School Years):

  1. Identity vs. Confusion (Teen Years):

  1. Intimacy vs. Isolation (Young Adult Years):

  1. Generativity vs. Stagnation (Middle Age):

  1. Integrity vs. Despair (Older Adulthood):

Remember that these stages are not rigid, and personal growth continues throughout life. A balanced personality emerges from navigating these challenges with resilience and self-awareness12."

"Navigating critical character development stages is essential for healthy psychological growth. When an individual fails to successfully progress through these stages, it can have adverse effects on their personality and overall well-being. Let’s explore the impact, particularly when an infant is deprived of one of the crucial stages:

  1. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs):

  1. Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development:

  1. Specific Impacts of Deprivation:

  • Trust vs. Mistrust (Infancy):

  • If an infant lacks a secure attachment due to neglect or inconsistent caregiving, they may struggle with trust issues.

  • This can lead to difficulties in forming close relationships, fear of intimacy, and emotional insecurity.

  • Identity vs. Confusion (Teen Years):

  • Adolescents explore their identity, values, and beliefs.

  • Deprivation during this stage may result in identity confusion, lack of direction, and difficulty making life choices.

  • Intimacy vs. Isolation (Young Adulthood):

  • Young adults seek meaningful connections.

  • Deprivation can lead to social isolation, fear of vulnerability, and difficulty maintaining healthy relationships.

  • Generativity vs. Stagnation (Middle Age):

  • Middle-aged individuals focus on contributing to society and future generations.

  • Deprivation may result in feelings of stagnation, unproductiveness, and lack of purpose.

  • Integrity vs. Despair (Older Adulthood):

  • Older adults reflect on life and accomplishments.

  • Deprivation can lead to regret, unmet goals, and a sense of despair.

  1. Long-Term Consequences:

  • Deprivation during critical stages can impact mental health, physical health, and overall life satisfaction.

  • It may lead to maladaptive coping mechanisms, emotional instability, and difficulty adapting to life changes.

Further, failing to navigate critical character development stages can have lasting effects on an individual’s personality, relationships, and overall quality of life. Early intervention, support, and therapeutic approaches are crucial to mitigate these adverse impacts1342."

Compounding The Risks Of Character Deprivation Development When Associated With Possible Alzheimer's Onset (Due To Family Trait History) , There Is : "Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive neurodegenerative disorder, profoundly impacts cognitive function, memory, and behavior. When considering character development deprivation in older adults, especially those at risk of Alzheimer’s, two personality traits stand out:

  1. Neuroticism:

  1. Conscientiousness:

Protective Factors:

In summary, personality traits play a crucial role in shaping an elder adult’s vulnerability to Alzheimer’s pathology. Encouraging positive emotional states and fostering conscientiousness can potentially mitigate the impact of character development deprivation in the context of Alzheimer’s disease12."


Question : Who Has Seen Rupert Murdoch Today : Comment


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Published By : Goodwin-RC : CEO +1News Central

MAR 3RD, 2024

"A Leap Of Faith" Year

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