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  • Writer's pictureRalph Goodwin

Mother Made Me Do It - DJTrump

SEP 16TH 2023

Donald Trump's outstanding, unresolved matriarch issues override his sense of self and the ability to demonstrate humiity or common sense : "Hold Fast" is the heraldry motto of the Mary Anne Macleod (Trump) family of the Scottish Tong, Lewis village. With the masthead residing above the doorway being "a bull's head".

This Scottish village and surrounding peoples survived within the extremely harsh environment of enduring massive losses of men at sea on a recurring basis. With the surviving womenfolk scouring ways to bear hard ahead; raising children in absence of father's; brothers, and grandfathers.

Donald Trump's mother Mary Anne came to America to visit relatives during the Great Depression of 1929 with visa number 26698; and, finally immigrated to New York City on May 11th, 1930. She met Fred Trump at a social event in Queens, NYC; and, they married in the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church on January 11, 1936.

Mary Anne Trump maintained a quiet marriage; being generally accorded a reputation as a caring person of grace and civility - conributing to numerous social causes - and - ensuring that her five children understood her "hold fast" heritage from Tong.

Of her five children, it bacame the birth of Robert (1948) that became the tragedy of her enduring a massive hysterectomy - which led to several operations to save her life. In later public interviews, Donald (born in 1946) recounted his mother as making a great meatloaf; a "fantastic"; "very warm"; "a homemaker who loved it".

Hence, the question arises; when Donald sets up his domain in office; where is the photo of mom? Generally, his environment will house photos papa Fred; but, scarely any of mother Mary Anne.

At Donald's inauguration (January 20, 2017) he placed his hand on his mother's bible to undetake the administered oath presided by Supreme Court Justice Roberts.

Thus, why the foul mouth of Donald Trump. The vile invectives that historically prevail in any event where he is contested - where his persona is challenged?

Hence, we return to the birth of Donald's younger brother Robert; where mother Mary Anne nearly lost her life.

In consequence of the multiple surgeries that Mary Trump endured following Robert's birth, it became inevitable that her mothering of her children - including Donald (age two) - became elusive and sparse; with consequences.

Donald Trump's personality development suffered through this evident loss - and - it has become so visible into his erratic reactions to criticisms. It would be easy to blame mother Trump. But, there is more.

Several (in excess of 70,000) accredited psychiatrists have published their observations on these evident extreme personality characteristics of Donald J Trump since 2017. The caveat being the "Goldwater Rule" - observations are only valid via direct, personal interviews.

Recidivism is a well published analysis of persons who regularly return to criminal life following completion of incareration. And, a noted psychiatrist tackled this issue (Zimbardo Prison Experiment) with evident success - reducing the recidivism of prisoners who participated in his transitional rebirthing programs - but - he was fired due to the concern that his program would result in excessive depopulation of US prisons (of which, now, are for profit institutions throughout the US).

Donald Trump's constant striving for mother Mary Anne's love is witnessed through his historical pompadour coffure. Mother resides eternally in his public persona - with the exception of Donald's foul mouth.

There is no escaping this Donald Trump manifestation of the super self. And, the nation of America remains perplexed in this love-hate relation that they have adopted within this political spectrum. What responsible American mom would want Donald Trump to date their daughter or to educate their son about the facts of life?

Good fortune, United States Of America. As a friendly Canadian observer - who has recorded and published my constructively intended critical Donald Trump observations since before 2015, I witness our Canadian political spectrum gradually - in ever increasing circumstances - enduring the infiltration of US ultranationalism pervading our media outlets - histeria and fascist extremism is a vampant global beast, like a constant predator invades our being like a parasite - residing within to survive through our tissues - eventually, invading our brain.

It is commented that President Lincoln survived his depressive anxieties through the belief that he must continue to bear down and survive - oddly - similar to Mary Anne Macleod's family motto "Hold Fast" in Tong, Scotland.

Published By : Goodwin-RC : CEO +1News Central OEDIPUS ARCHIVES

SEP 16TH 2023

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